Thanks for your cooperation to help our CourtReserve procedures work well as we begin our swim system. Our Board has received some requests to expand the reservation parameters and we have already been working towards being able to expand the time slots or "events" homeowners can sign up for - it is not as easy as you would think to modify the system already in place. We first needed a valid representative sample of how many homeowners would be making reservations and which events would be in highest demand - this initial two-week period has been helpful for us to be able to gather information to help determine which adjustments to make. We had initially hoped to simply expand the time allotted for each individual event, but that created other issues with the system that were too problematic. Starting Wednesday, June 10, homeowners will be able to sign up for multiple events on the same day. Here's how it will work:
Homeowners may now reserve TWO consecutive "events" back-to-back on weekdays, as long as they are both available in advance. On weekends and holidays, there will be some additional conditions. The busiest events on weekends/holidays are the time slots of noon - 2:00 pm
and then from 2:15 - 4:15 pm. Homeowners will not be able to reserve these two prime events back-to-back on the same day on weekends and holidays. For advance reservations on weekends/holidays, homeowners wishing to reserve two events back-to-back will only be able to reserve one
of the prime
events per day. For example: a homeowner may reserve the 9:45 am - 11:45 event, followed by the prime noon - 2:00 pm
event OR
a homeowner may reserve the prime 2:15 - 4:15 pm
event, followed by the 4:30 - 6:30 pm event. These are the updated conditions for advance reservations and will hopefully offer homeowners more latitude when making reservations for family time at our pool.
Our HOA Treasurer Paula Nelson volunteers her time daily to manage the scheduling for us on CourtReserve. Even though the rest of the reservation is an automated process, Paula has changed the reservation for the two prime slots
to be approved. Once approved the person who made the reservation will receive a confirmation email. The Board hopes to be able to expand even further in coming weeks to allow homeowners even more flexibility when making reservations to enjoy our pool. We are also eager to hear any new guidelines Governor Kemp may announce when his Executive Order expires June 12, but please remember the 50-person limitation in effect at our pool is based on square footage requirements to maintain the social distancing recommended by the CDC.
In order for our CourtReserve system to work well for all homeowners, each individual must only arrive at the pool at the reserved time, and must exit the pool as soon as the reservation expires. Homeowners who arrive early and stay late risk deactivation of their own family's key card and also expose the pool to conditions that could requires us to close it altogether. Remember: if reservations are made for family members who don't actually end up coming to the pool, please be sure to cancel those individual reservations in order to allow others to enjoy the pool. Teens under 18 years old must be accompanied by a parent or other resident family adult.