Huntington West Neighborhood – Buford Georgia

TonightS Rezoning Proposal is Postponed

HWHOA • June 3, 2020
A message from the HWHOA Board: A rumor was posted last night on FB that the developer planned to table the proposal to be heard tonight. Our Board has been working since then to try to confirm this information and were unable to do so with County leaders last night or this morning. Our Board has now reached out to the attorneys and representatives for the applicant/developer. They have confirmed in writing they do plan to ask for the cases to be tabled this evening. The applicant's representatives have stated they would like to have time to meet with those in opposition to their proposal and our Board will be working with them to find a suitable time and date to meet and share our concerns with them. In fact, the zoning in place now on the property across from Huntington West was determined by a meeting between our(then) Board and the (then) developer. This is a positive development - it gives us more time to learn more about their plans to try to find common ground and to learn more about the County's plans for a roundabout at our entrance. We will notify members as soon as we know more about a meeting with the applicant. Until then, stay tuned to, to our official HOA Facebook page and the message board at our front entrance.  

In the meanwhile, if you have not written to the County Planning Commission, do so now! We still need to make our opposition heard, loud and clear!
If this proposal is approved as requested, it could ruin our way of life in Huntington West (not to mention our property values and our schools!) 

members of Gwinnett County government:

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