The Public Hearing for the proposed rezoning across the street from the Huntington West entrance is still scheduled for Tuesday, August 4 at 7 pm at the Gwinnett County Justice and Administration Center in Lawrenceville. Planning and Development has implemented procedures to ensure concerned citizens have an opportunity to attend and address the Planning Commission while still maintaining required social distancing guidelines. Please be sure to bring a mask, if attending - we need as many homeowners as possible to join us as a show of opposition to the rezoning of the property as requested by the applicant.
Despite clear and adamant opposition to the rezoning voiced by the homeowners who attended the recent community meeting with the applicant, the developer and his attorney don't appear to be willing to make concessions, at last check. Our Board and all the homeowners who attended made abundantly clear that quality
single-family homes compatible with the home size, lots size, value and quality of homes in Huntington West are acceptable and even welcome additions to our community....but
homes and
retail space are NOT appropriate for this area. Traffic on Hwy 124 is a nightmare, our schools are already overcrowded and our corridor of Hwy 124 has far too many already empty retails spaces.
Our Board is convinced the only acceptable conclusion is to ask the Gwinnett County Planning Commission and the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners to protect our property values and quality of life by retaining the R75 single-family zoning currently in place (and fought for in 2005 by Huntington West homeowners): no multi-family homes and no retail space. Homes in Huntington West currently sell in less than a week, so there is no reason the developer cannot realize a sizable profit by building only high quality homes that compliment the homes in Huntington West, Hamilton Mill and the other quality single-family neighborhoods in our area.
Even if you have written before, we need ALL homeowners in Huntington West to write to all the Planning Commission members who will be voting on the rezoning on August 4, and to also send copies to the members of the Board of Commissioners. We will need to fight hard to protect the way of life we enjoy in Huntington West - and it will take an effort from each and every homeowner!
Planning Commission (District 3 - attended our community meeting) (District 3 - attended our community meeting) (Chairman's appointment)
Board of Commissioners (Chair)