Huntington West Neighborhood – Buford Georgia

Important Project Changes for 2021

HWHOA • October 26, 2021

Sadly, COVID-19 derailed our project in 2020, and we are grateful to be able to resume our project for the 20th anniversary. Although Station 18 has been up and running for 2021, their needs have changed and we have been asked to scale back our offerings. Instead of every day in November, we have been asked to provide meals for Station 18 only on MONDAYS. Although we will be providing meals for far fewer days during November, this reduction in delivery days will allow us to do a really great job for our friends at Station 18 on each of our Monday assignments. We will be able to have several families team up each Monday evening to provide a memorable meal and in substantial proportions.  Remember: we are feeding at least 10 adult men and women in tip-top physical condition, so we want to be sure to provide plenty of delicious food for them! 


Here are the usual program parameters: Your meal does not have to be fancy or gourmet – the men and women at Station 18 are delighted to have any home-cooked meal you and your team choose to offer.  Most nights there are usually at least 10 firefighters and paramedics on duty at the station. We ask that you deliver your meal between 5:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.  It is best to use disposable dishes, but if you do need to use a Pyrex pan, etc. just put your name on it and the firefighters will clean it up for you to pick up the next day or so. 


Your family will truly enjoy visiting our community’s state-of-the-art fire station facility….so hurry to sign up soon before all the dates are taken!


If you have children, the firefighters encourage you to bring your kids along and they will give them a “the works” tour of the station house…fire truck included!  You and your children will find that our local heroes at Station 18 are warm and welcoming – and they truly appreciate our efforts to honor their sacrifices and their service to our community. 


NOTE: there is currently no mask mandate for Gwinnett County facilities, but each shift company officer will let you know if you and/or your children need to don a mask….so bring one along and have it handy, just in case.


Since we are only providing meals on Mondays, be sure to sign up soon in order to be able to coordinate with the other families assigned to your shared date. The first Monday has already been filled. The remaining dates we will be feeding Station 18 are: 


  • Monday, November 8
  • Monday, November 15
  • Monday, November 22
  • Monday, November 29


If you would like to sign up for one of the four remaining Monday nights in November, please contact Susan via e-mail ( Be sure to suggest a first date choice and then a second, in case your first choice is no longer available.  Please include your contact information (email and phone) and Susan will confirm the date with you as soon as possible and put you in touch with the other families on your team. It would also be helpful for you to organize your own team with several neighboring families and sign up together. Either way, Susan will confirm your assignment and help you to coordinate with the other families on your team on the assigned date. 


Thanks so much for your participation and your support of our local heroes! Feel free to email Susan with any questions. 

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