Huntington West Neighborhood – Buford Georgia

Message From The Board

HWHOA • January 5, 2022

Our Board members are frustrated, as we know all of you are, with the ongoing service failures of our trash hauler, Republic. Our Board has continued to document the service failures with Gwinnett County each week. We also ask each homeowner to take the time to report the failures for your own individual property address in order to create the documentation Gwinnett County says they will need to hold Republic accountable for the repeated failures. 

While the issues Republic is dealing with are understandable to some degree, Gwinnett County has collected a mandatory fee from each of us for a waste removal service we are not receiving. Our Board will be making a formal request to Gwinnett Solid Waste Management for prorated refunds for every Huntington West homeowner for each week there has been no trash or recycling service. Refer to your own individual tax bill for the fees charged, if you want to make your own individual request for a refund. 

The covenants in Huntington West require trash cans and recycling bins to be stored in a location not visible from the street, except on our scheduled trash collection day (Friday). Homeowners are expected to put cans out in the street only on Friday and to remove them on Friday, after the trash and recycling has been collected. The Board has received questions and concerns about covenants inspections conducted during this period of lapse in service from Republic. Our covenants inspector at Heritage has been advised of the situation and will coordinate with the Board on the delays in scheduled pickup from Republic. As you will see from the notice below, Republic does not intend to even attempt to collect our recycling until the week of January 11. We understand many of you also have large cardboard boxes and other overflow packaging on the street from Christmas and Republic’s failure to collect recycling for (now) three full weeks, but an effort must be made to keep our neighborhood streets clear. 

The trash was finally collected yesterday (albeit three days late), so please remove empty trash cans from view. Please also remove recycling cans from the street and only put them back out for what we hope will be collection as promised on Friday, January 14. Please make sure any overflow such as cardboard boxes and such are removed from the street to be placed back out for pickup on January 14. The high winds and rains over the weekend made a mess of some stacks of recycling, so please be sure to clean up any scattered debris on the street. 

NOTE: the computer generated notice below referred to “next scheduled service day” but refers to January 11, which is a Tuesday. A Board member called and spoke to a supervisor at Republic who verified the trash pickup for our neighborhood’s route is scheduled to resume this coming Friday, January 7. However, she verified our RECYCLING pickup is not scheduled to resume until FRIDAY, JANUARY 14. 

Rest assured our HOA will continue to press Gwinnett County for a resolution to this issue and for reimbursement of the fees we have paid for services not provided. Please continue to direct any questions to the Board ( and do all you can to keep our streets neat and free of scattered debris, etc. during this period of uncertainty with our trash hauler Republic. 



Dear Susan, 

Thank you for contacting Republic Services.
Due to severe COVID issues, all recycling, bulk and yard waste routes are not running this week. This will allow us? to focus attention on solid waste pickup.
We do not have the resources to recover these routes and will try to resume service on the next scheduled service day, 1/11/21.
If any customer has trash accumulated and they would like to take it to one of our landfills or hauling facilities, they may do so at no charge. There are containers available at each location.

The addresses for trash drop-off are:
• Oak Grove Landfill, 937 Carl Bethlehem Rd, Winder, GA
• Richland Creek Landfill, 5691 S Richland Creek Rd, Buford, GA?
• Republic Services, 51 Patrick Mill Rd SW, Winder, GA
• The address for recycling drop-off is: 
• Republic Services, 75 Curtis Rd, Lawrenceville, GA
Please note, solid waste organizations have not been exempt from the staffing and other pandemic-related issues many organizations and companies are currently experiencing. Republic is aware of the situation and has identified the issues causing the delays, including staffing, shortage of truck parts, and the continued increase in solid waste volume. We appreciate your patience as we are doing the best we can to provide services for our customers.
For additional questions and assistance, please call us at 1-844-737-8254 or contact us online at with your case number 20220104-138950742. 

Republic Services Customer Service Team



Here are the closest recycling centers for any homeowners who wish to recycle on their own
Flowery Branch Compactor
A Hall County drop-off facility that accepts materials from Gwinnett residents. 

4395 Falcon Parkway
Flowery Branch, Georgia 30542

Hours: Monday-Saturday 7:30am-6:30pm, Sunday11:00am-6:00pmMATERIALS ACCEPTED:Aluminum CansBooksCardboardGlass Bottles and JarsMagazinesMotor OilNewspaperPlastic - Non-Bottle Containers (cooking oil / peanut butter containers)Plastic Bottles
Snellville Recycling Center

This location accepts these materials from all residents, not just City of Snellville residents, unless otherwise specified.

Refrigerators are accepted with Freon still in them for a fee. $15 for City of Snellville Residents and $25 for Non-City Residents. 

2531 Marigold Rd
Snellville, Georgia 30078

Phone: 770-985-3539Hours: Mon-Tues, Thurs-Sat 8am-5pmMATERIALS ACCEPTED:Aluminum CansAnswering MachinesAppliancesBatteries - Automotive, Marine and MotorsportBatteries - household/ alkaline/ lead acidBatteries - Rechargeable (cell phone/ camera/ tool/ lithium ion/ ni-cad)Battery Back-upBicyclesBrassBrown Paper BagsCable BoxesCables/ Chargers/ ConnectorsCalculatorsCameras- DigitalCameras- FilmCarbonless Paper (pressure-record forms)CardboardCell phones - PDAsCereal Boxes - Folding CartonsCircuit BoardsClothingCoat Hangers- MetalComputer MonitorsComputer System Units / TowersCopperDVRsE-readers- kindle/ nook/ etc.Egg Cartons - PaperElectronics - Large Office (copiers / printers / fax machines)Electronics - Small Office (laptops / desktop printers / desktop fax machines)EnvelopesFreezerGame ConsolesGlass Bottles and JarsGPSGrillsHair dryers/ straighteners/ curlersHousehold Goods - Gently UsediPod/MP3 PlayersJunk MailMagazinesMetal Scrap - building supplies/ surplus materials/ vehicle partsMetals- ferrous (most metals with iron or steel)MicrowavesMouse- computerNewspaperOffice PaperPhone BooksPlastic - Non-Bottle Containers (cooking oil / peanut butter containers)Plastic BottlesRadiosRecord PlayersRefrigeratorRemote ControlsSpeakersSteel CansStereosTablets- iPad/ playbook/ touchpadTelevision SetsTypewritersVacuums- upright/ canister/ robotVCRs

Caraustar Paper Recycling

4069 Winters Chapel Rd
Doraville, Georgia 30360

Phone: 770-451-1334Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am-4:30pmMATERIALS ACCEPTED:BooksBrown Paper BagsCardboardCereal Boxes - Folding CartonsEnvelopesJunk MailMagazinesNewspaperOffice PaperPhone Books
Homeowners may also take recycling to Republic Services at their facility:75 Curtis Road, Lawrenceville

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