HEADS UP for homeowners in Phase Two, Phase Three and Phase Four: an Open House is scheduled for the Fullwood home located at 1935 Huntington Hill Trace. The Open House will be on Saturday from 1-3 pm. Homes for sale in Huntington West generate a great deal of interest from potential buyers. This ranch home on a basement will most likely draw a lot of interest and we expect a number of cars. The location of the Fullwood home so close to the 3-way stop presents a difficult situation for drivers.
Our Board has asked the realtor to post a sign and request that visitors park on the opposite side of the street (on the 1920-1930 side) and as far away from the STOP sign as possible. She has indicated she understands the concern and will do her best to cooperate. Hopefully, this will assist drivers approaching the STOP sign at the 3-way stop from the back of the neighborhood. Please use caution when approaching the intersection of Green Gables Trace and Huntington Hill Trace. Please be sure to extend patience and courtesy to other drivers and especially to visitors who may very well become our neighbors. Our thoughts are still with Bill Fullwood's family since his recent passing. We hope to be able to assist them to host a successful Open house in an effort to find a new owner for his lovely home.