The Gwinnett County Planning Commission is scheduled to vote on the requested rezoning of the property across from Huntington West on Tuesday, September 1. The applicant is seeking a rezoning of the property from (RA-200/R75 MOD) single-family residential to (RM-24/TND/C-2) in order to allow him to build a monstrous development consisting of 161 single-family detached and attached homes, 363 apartments and multiple retail spaces.
Please understand this is the most serious threat to property values in Huntington West and our entire community in the 30+ year history of our neighborhood.
If Gwinnett County permits this rezoning request, we will lose all ability to have input on the future of the property across from our entrance - and we will most likely never again be able to get out of our neighborhood safely. A rezoning to allow for apartments and retails space will result in nothing positive for our community. High quality single-family homes are acceptable, sensible and appropriate for our area, as long as they compliment the quality and values of the homes in Huntington West and our residential area. On the other hand, apartments and more empty retails spaces will most certainly impact the property value and quality of life each of us have enjoyed in Huntington West in a negative way. The traffic on Hwy 124 is already horrible - we do NOT need over 500 more homes and potentially 1000 more cars on our one lane corridor of wy 124 - and our schools are already overcrowded well beyond what is acceptable. We must defeat this rezoning request and retain the single-family zoning our HOA fought for in 2005. There is absolutely no compelling reason to rezone the property again.
You can review the case for rezoning made by the applicant at the recent Public Hearing at the August 4 Planning Commission meeting and also hear opposing arguments made by Huntington West homeowners and others on the Gwinnett County website ( ) Our case is the first one on the agenda after the announcements. The Planning Commission voted to table the case until they hold their vote at the September 1 meeting, so we each have time to make additional arguments to protect our neighborhood and the surrounding community.
*****Action is needed from every single homeowner to defeat this rezoning request*****
Here's what we need from every single homeowner:
Gwinnett County Planning Commission (District 3 - representing our district) (District 3 - representing our district) (Chairman's appointment)
Board of Commissioners (Chair) (District 3 - our district)