Hello everyone!
Good Monday morning - it's time to get energized once again! As you will remember, the Gwinnett County Planning Commission tabled the rezoning once again last month and it will be up for a vote tomorrow night at 7 pm. We have already had our "public hearing" on the issue, so no one can speak, but Herb McGrew has asked that we all make a show of our presence by wearing
RED! After the vote, we will need plan our presentation before the full BOC since the Planning Commission is a
body only - the final vote will be by the full Board of Commissioners.
There is a possibility our reps on the Planning Commission will seek to table again, until after the election. Ben Archer (R) will really be rolling the dice if he does so because our HOA already has the commitment (in writing) of (D) Jasper Watkins to vote to only allow for single-family zoning in our community. However, Archer is a Tommy Hunter appointee - he is stuck between what he concedes he has heard from LOTS of us up here and what we believe Tommy Hunter wants to vote in favor of his friend and the applicant for these apartments, Corbitt Woods. We believe Hunter wants to support his friend and push through a vote on these apartments after the election, but before he leaves office in December. We must remain committed to the cause and remain vigilant!
Please attend the Planning Commission meeting Tuesday night at 7 and WEAR RED !