Good Monday morning - it's time to get energized once again! As you will remember, the Gwinnett County Planning Commission tabled the rezoning once again last month and it will be up for a vote tomorrow night at 7 pm. Planning Commission meetings are usually held on first Tuesdays each month, but since the first Tuesday is ELECTION DAY, it was moved to Wednesday.
As a reminder, we have already had our "public hearing" on the issue before the Planning Commission, so no one can speak, but Herb McGrew has asked that we all make a show of our presence by wearing RED! After the vote, we will need plan our presentation before the full BOC since the Planning Commission is a recommending body only - the FINAL vote will be by the full Board of Commissioners either November 17 or December 15 - mark your calendars.
There is a possibility our reps on the Planning Commission will seek to table again, but we still believe District 3 Commissioner Tommy Hunter wants to support his friend Corbett Woods and push through a vote through on this rezoning before he leaves office in December. We must remain committed to the cause and remain vigilant!
Please attend the Planning Commission meeting Wednesday night at 7 and WEAR RED!